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Petro Canada, Luminol TRI Transformer Oil

Petro-Canada Lubricants LUMINOL TRi represents a breakthrough in electrical insulating oils technology. Unlike naphthenic mineral oils, LUMINOL TRi uses Petro-Canada Lubricants ultra-pure severely hydrotreated isoparaffinic base oils to help minimize... Read More



Petro-Canada Lubricants LUMINOL TRi represents a breakthrough in electrical insulating oils technology. Unlike naphthenic mineral oils, LUMINOL TRi uses Petro-Canada Lubricants ultra-pure severely hydrotreated isoparaffinic base oils to help minimize power loss and maximize productivity. These oils contain no corrosive sulphur that may lead to transformer breakdown. LUMINOL TRi withstands energy spikes and hot and cold weather extremes better than naphthenic electrical insulating oils. LUMINOL TRi’s isoparaffinic base oil provides superior heat transfer properties compared to naphthenic oils, helping transformers operate cooler in high ambient temperatures. Thanks to naturally high oxidation stability, LUMINOL TRi resists breakdown and helps provide extended service life. So less money is spent on routine transformer maintenance and fluid top-up, and less time is spent worrying about transformer efficiency. LUMINOL TRi delivers worry-free, corrosive sulphur-free performance.

  • LUMINOL TRi is designed for Type II applications
    Outstanding oxidation stability to help extend the service life of circuit breakers and load tap changers

  • Please refer to the attached Safety Data Sheet and SPEC document for more information.

  • LUMINOL TRi contain no corrosive sulphur compounds and do not require passivators.
    Outstanding cold weather performance.
    Excellent heat transfer capability to help enhance transformer performance.
    High dielectric impulse strength to improve performance in the presence of overvoltage conditions.
    Low power-factor (dielectric loss) to reduce thermal runaway under conditions of high electric stress.
    Negative gassing to reduce the risk of failure from hydrogen gas bubbles.
    Full compatibility with existing naphthenic insulating oils, which enhances the performance of the combined oils
    Inherently biodegradable, free of carcinogenic polynuclear aromatics (PNAs) and virtually non-toxic.
    Can help reduce community concerns about transformer oil toxicity, spill liability and disposal costs.
    Use Petro-Canada’s ultra-pure severely hydrotreated isoparaffin base oils to deliver worry-free, corrosive sulphur-free performance in your transformer.
    Suitable for use in large power and distribution transformers operating at peak capacity, also for use in free-breathing units, pad mount, and pole mount transformers.

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