Presidential offers a diverse range of high-quality industrial adhesives, sealants & lubricants meticulously designed to meet various industry needs. Presidential Premium Hydraulic Oils are zinc containing, anti-wear, and formulated with Group II base stock to provide longer fluid life. This hydraulic oil offers excellent oxidation stability, provides protection against wear, rust, corrosion, foaming, and thermal breakdown. This oil also exhibits excellent water separation and filterability properties. Presidential’s lubricants exemplify a commitment to quality, performance, and reliability. Whether you need hydraulic oils, gear oils, synthetic blends, or specialized motor oils, these precision-crafted lubricants deliver exceptional performance and protection for a wide range of equipment and systems.
 Our premium AW32 Hydraulic Oil meets or exceeds the requirements for industrial and mobile hydraulic systems, which call for: I-286-S, M-2950-S, P-68, P-69, P-70, variable volume vane pumps, 100-1 DIN 51524, Part 2 U.S. Steel 136, 127 M-6C32 Commercial Hydraulics**, 0152 AFNOR E 48-603 HF-1, HF-2, FH-0 Jeffrey No. 87 LH-04-1, LH-06-1, LH-15-1. ** Except for PM-500 series silver containing pumps.
Please refer to attached SDS & SPEC sheet.
Group II base stock, high viscosity index, oxidation stability of 5000+ hours, anti-foam (good air release properties), anti- wear (provides excellent wear protection), anti-rust (protects against rust and corrosion on steel and copper), low temperature fluidity (extends the useful temperature operating range), water separation to minimize rust.